NOTICE: Neither Bankers Fidelity Life Insurance Company®, its subsidiaries, nor its Medicare Supplement policies are affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the federal Medicare program, or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This is a solicitation of Medicare Supplement insurance and an independent agent may call on you.
The Medicare Supplement products issued by the Company are insurance policies. Policy form series B 21092 is underwritten by Bankers Fidelity Life Insurance Company®. Policy form series B 21492 is underwritten by Bankers Fidelity Assurance Company®. Policy form series A 22392 is underwritten by Atlantic Capital Life Assurance Company™. Limitations and exclusions apply; actual policy provisions control. Rates subject to change on a class basis. Individually underwritten; application to determine eligibility required. Not all Products are available in all states.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Plans are available to all persons eligible for Medicare, including the availability of certain plans to persons under age 65 and eligible for Medicare due to disability in certain states.
Products not sold in AK, CA, CT, FL, ID, MA, MN, MO, NH, NV, NY, OR, RI, VT, WA or WI. Plan availability can vary by state.
Bankers Fidelity Life Insurance Company® and subsidiaries. 4370 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, Georgia, 30319